It left a LOT to be desired. It was yellow and green with almond counters and almond laminate cabinets and well, the fruit decals on the wall weren't helping things. My kitchen was stuck in an outdated phase, halfway between the 1980's and 90's and I needed to change it and STAT. Seriously, my mental health was riding on this!
I had a budget of about $300 that I could spend so I knew it couldn't be a huge makeover, but I knew that I could make a difference with just a few changes. The fruit had to did the counter tops and the wall color.
But many hours later we (okay, mostly Hubby) successfully removed the coutnertop and replaced it with this darker, granite looking laminate. Much better already! Due to the tight budget we chose to reuse the old kitchen sink from the 1980's. It was in surprisingly good shape for it's age and made better than any sink at HomeDepot that was within my budget.
Here is a close up of the backsplash tile. And let's not judge the paint on the window frame, okay....I'm gonna get to that later when I get ready to hang the new curtains that I'm making.
So if you're in the area, stop by and have a cup of coffee with me...
and maybe you could give me some ideas on what to do with the laundry area. It's just plain...plain.
Okay there ya go! Phase one is complete.